Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The News Is Out!!
We are going to be parents! Can you believe it! Our little one is due July 5th which will be perfect timing for us since we are moving to a new place at the end of March. I am 12 weeks right now and sick as can be still so I am just looking forward to the time I start feeling better! I have a couple ultrasound pictures but we are in Colorado Springs right now and have to wait to get home to post them. Anyway.. this is our big news and we can't wait to meet our little one in a couple months! Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
We had another great Thanksgiving this year! We are so blessed to have made such wonderful friends here in Dayton who invited us over for dinner this year as well as last year! It was a lot of fun to get together with other families who stuck around here for the holidays. We ate tons of food then the boys watched football and the girls got in lots of much needed girl talk! Even though we wish we could have seen our family in Idaho and met our 2 new nephews this year, we are very grateful for all our friends! SO.. a huge Thank You to the Barkers for hosting again!! Next Thanksgiving will seem so weird with out you guys!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Extreme Home Makeover
Friday, November 6, 2009
Halloween and Fresh Pumpkin Filling
Well halloween was super fun! For the church halloween party Preston and I dressed up as an aweful hairdresser and a very unlucky client. Then for work I dressed up as Harry Potter. It was really funny and people got a big kick out of it!!

Also, Every year after halloween we cut up our pumpkins, boil them and blend them to make fresh pumpkin filling for anything we want to put pumpkin in! We usually just end up eating a whole ton of Pumpkin Pie. Anyway, it was a really fun family home evening activiy and now we have enough pumpkin to make 24 pumpkin pies!! So if you need pumpkin for anything just let me know!!

Also, Every year after halloween we cut up our pumpkins, boil them and blend them to make fresh pumpkin filling for anything we want to put pumpkin in! We usually just end up eating a whole ton of Pumpkin Pie. Anyway, it was a really fun family home evening activiy and now we have enough pumpkin to make 24 pumpkin pies!! So if you need pumpkin for anything just let me know!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Big News!!!!
Well.. we finally found out where we are going next. We will be in Washington D.C. where Preston will be working at the Pentagon. He will be working for the Rated Force Policy Development which he will be able to use his Operations Research degree for. He is very happy because that was what he was hoping for. He said to me yesterday when we found out "man, this is going to stink.. I'm going to have a real job now!" haha.. but I think he is really going to enjoy it. I was kinda hoping to go somewhere closer to home and warmer but there is so much to do in a place like D.C and I'm sure we are going to love being there! Now we just have to find a place to live!!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pink for a good Cause
Also, we all wore pink hair pieces that day and when I got home Tonka decided he really liked to play with it! So here is a funny video of him trying to get it out of his hair!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Halloween Crafts
I can't belive it's October already! I went to pull out my Halloween decorations and realized I don't really have any. Well we did have a couple dish towels and a door mat but that was it so I started making some halloween crafts. I also found out how crafty Preston can be! With a jig saw and some careful drilling he made me some spooky trees and I painted them! They turned out really cute! Anyway it was really fun making crafts and now I can't wait til christmas time so I can make lots more!!

This is the outside of our house!! Just kidding.. This is our neighbors!
They really like Halloween!!
This is our front door. I cut the bats out with my friend Nicole!
Here are the trees we made not lit up
Here they are lit up! Cute huh!!
Here are some ghosts Nicole and I made together one afternoon.. and tonka pretending he's a ghost too.
And this is our centerpiece. It's kind of a dark picture but this was the best looking one!
Tonka!! He is so big now!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Funny Story
So the other day at work, one of my regular clients came in for his haircut. I have cut this guys hair every other week for a year now so I know his hair pretty well! As I was shampooing him, something just seemed different. I couldn't put my finger on what it was so I just let it go. As we went back to my chair and I started cutting his hair he gets really excited and tells me that he and his wife went up to his parents house for the weekend and as he was taking a shower there he noticed that his mom had this stuff in her shower he had never used before. So he decided to use it and he loved it. THEN.. he looks me square in the face and says.. "have you ever heard of conditioner before??" hahahaha.. why yes i have! Turns out he has never once heard of or used conditioner before in his life and just started using it. He tells his wife about this and asks if they can get some at home and she informs him that she has always had some in the shower! (I do her hair as well and we got a real good laugh out of this a couple days later when she came in!!) Then I realized that was what i noticed at the shampoo bowl!! His hair was quite a bit softer and his cowlick in the front of his hair line was laying better than I have ever been able to make it lay in a whole year. I educated him some more on what conditioner does for the hair and now I think he is hooked for life! It really was a whole lot funnier in the moment, but it was the highlight of my week!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
2 weeks ago we went on our summer vacation to Cancun Mexico! It was such a blast. We just layed on the beach most of the time, played in the crystal clear water, went snorkeling a couple times, on a couple boat rides, went to a couple flee markets and ate lots of food! We cant wait to go back sometime!
The view from our balcony
US.. first day there
He loves the water!
After our Jungle tour ride!
Relaxing and reading a book!
The water was so clear that Preston could get pictures of his little friends
This is one cool dude!
getting ready to Snorkel
swinging on Isla Mujeres
on our last day there.. we were sad to leave!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
p.s. Check out my new baby!!
Oh and the other day we made meatball sandwhiches and Preston insisted that I put this picture up. He loves meatball sandwhiches!!
I can't believe how long it has been since our last post! Here is an update on our summer! On top of Preston still going to school and me working, we manage to squeeze in fun things here and there. Preston has learned how to wakeboard this summer and really loves doing it! He has also been training for the Air Force Marathon which is in September and that has kept him pretty busy as well. A couple weeks ago my parents came out for a quick visit. They were only here for 2 days but it was so much fun to see them and to show them all the cool things here in Ohio! We went to the Air Force Museum, I got to show them where I work, and we went to the New Port Aquarium in Cincinnati. It was a lot of fun! We miss them. Right after they left, Extreme Home Makeover was in town working on a house just down the street from where we go to church. The salon and spa I work at was asked to go down and help out with the house and to give complimentary massages to the workers. It was an incredible experience! The episode will be airing in October sometime. I will let you know when it will be for sure if you want to watch it! The next weekend we went all the way to Seattle for my brothers wedding. It was so awesome being there and we were so thankful we were able to go. The plain rides were aweful but it was worth it in the end! We are so happy for Kelly and Sarah! In 3 weeks we will be heading to Mexico for some fun in the sun! It has been a really fun summer! I will try to update our blog before 3 months go by again! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
1 Year Down!! Can You Belive It?
This past Sunday was our 1 Year Anniversary! Yahoo! We can't belive how fast it has gone! Preston has been the best Husband and friend any girl could ask for! It has been the best year of our lives and we are looking forward to the rest of eternity together! I love you Preston!
For those who don't know, Tonkas birthday is also on May 31st! He is now 1 Year old! We love him so much and are happy to have such a good little puppy! Happy Birthday little Tonka!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend!
Well for this Memorial Day Weekend we decided to take a little trip to Cleveland! Its not often that we have 2 whole days off together so it was a blast to go away and spend every minute with each other! It all started on Sunday morning. We dropped Tonka off at a friend's house who was nice enough to watch him for the night, then we headed up to Kirtland, OH to check out the temple! It was really cool. Its a weird feeling to stand in the very same room that Joseph Smith once stood and received visits from angels! It was an awesome experience. The temple grounds were so beautiful too!! There wasn't a whole lot else to do there so after about an hour and a half we decided to head toward Cleveland. After checking into our hotel and getting all settled in, we went to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We were so hungry and it was sooo good! Then we went back to the hotel and watched the Cleveland Cavaliers game. By the time the game was over it was really late but the hotel pool was 24 hours so we decided to go swimming. It didn't last long cause we were so tired! The next day we woke up, checked out and went to a BBQ Ribs Cook Off! It was so good! We ate so much meat it was kinda gross! After we started to feel sick we left and made our way over to the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. Did you know that Rock n' Roll was born in Cleveland? yep, by a radio announcer whos only way to describe the music was "Rock n' Roll". Years later the Hall of Fame opened! It was really cool to see all the famous rock stars stuff there. Clothes, shoes, drums, guitars, pianos, cars, letters from one to another, we even saw what Elvis' Father wrote down and said at his funeral! It was pretty cool! After that we got in the car and headed home! We had a great weekend and can't wait to go on vacation again soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Way To Go!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Last night we recived a call from my brother Kelly and he is getting married!! We were really shocked and extremely happy for him! The big day is going to be August 8th in the Seattle Temple. That is exactly 3 months from today so they are very busy getting everything together! We are so excited for them and can't wait to see them get married in the Temple for Time and all Eternity!! Congratulations Kelly and Sarah, marriage is the best thing in the world!! Can't wait to be there!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Nothing new really
Well there is nothing really new to talk about.. I just have so much energy right now that I decided to put it to good use on our blog! :) We are doing really well. Work is picking up for me and I have been crazy busy. This week on my day off I got to hang out with my friend Nicole and we made "hooter hiders". haha.. I still think that is the funniest name ever Nicole.. :) If you don't know what that is, it is a nursing bib thing to cover the baby and yourself while you are nursing. No, I am not pregnant but we wanted to make one really bad and they turned out super cute!! Take a look!! Next we think we want to make skirts!!

Preston has had a really busy week at school.. I feel like I have hardley seen him this week. Our other good news is that we finally got a wii!! It has been so much fun! Preston still kicks my butt all the time but I am happy to say that I am getting better! Our favorite games are golfing, tennis, fishing, shooting, tanks, air hockey, and the find me game. My birthday is in 2 weeks and I am really hoping for some new sweet wii games.. I will let you know how that turns out! Last night we made salmon for dinner and it was the best salmon I have ever had. I don't even like salmon and I really could have eaten the whole thing! Preston was very impressed with my cooking skills needless to say!! It's always nice when your husband likes what you made for dinner :) Some other stuff.. well Tonka is getting really big. He has this funny habit of carrying his bed all over the house with him. Its like a security blanket for him or something, but just recently he chewed a big hole through it so now he carries it around his neck.. it's funny. Heres a picture
..The second picture is of him wraped up in his bed like a blanket. He loves that bed so much! He also has a big love for tennis balls and sticks that grows on a daily basis! Some other little things about Tonka are the he hates the sun. He will walk in your shadow if you walk him when the sun is out.. haha.. so cute! And he is a little bit of a scaredy cat when other dogs are around unless they are nice to him first. He loves children more than tennis balls and sticks im pretty sure and he knows about 6 really super cute tricks! Until we have kids one day he is our little man and we are just loving having him around!! :) Well I have run out of things to talk about so I hope you enjoyed my rambling and I will post again soon!!
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