What are we up to?

We are living in Woodbridge VA and loving it. We now have 2 beautiful little girls, Evelynn and Cora, and look forward to the adventures that are coming our way. We have such a blessed life together and are thankful everyday for our eternal family.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Well as you guessed.. it snowed here last night!! If you grew up in Colorado like I did im sure you will see this picture and think that it is nothing to write about, but it is exciting to get some snow for the first time out here in Ohio! I guess that the good amounts of snow don't normally come until after the 1st of the new year. So we are waiting around for that. Neither one of us mind the snow to bad, it's the cold weather that we hate. It has been so cold here! The humidity makes it misrable to live in! Plus, since it's so cold, the snow just freezes to the roads and it's nothing but black ice.. sounds dangerous!! Time for new tires I guess! Anyways.. we would love to be living in Arizona right about now but the good news is that Tonka is having a blast playing in the snow. He likes to lay outside and eat it and anything he can find frozen underneath it.. and I mean anything!! He likes being outside more now than he ever did when the weather was nice. So basically it has been a day full of hot cocoa and movies! But 17 days and we get to go on vacation! We can't even wait!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Our Thanksgiving!

Well it's December now and I haven't had time to tell everyone about our Thanksgiving! We had a very nice Thanksgiving! We weren't able to go home since Preston only had a couple days off from school and since i have a job now. But it worked out just fine. We ended up going over to a friends house for dinner with 3 other couples and their kids! It was really fun and all we had to make was the pumpkin pie which is a whole lot easier than making a WHOLE Thanksgiving dinner for just 2 people. SO, the only thing we had to say about Thanksgiving was that it was a wonderful way to spend our first Thanksgiving as a married couple! It is weird though.. You really learn a lot about yourself and your spouse living so far away from home and not being able to go see your family for every holiday. We learned this holiday to be sesitive about each others feelings and that making new family traditions for our little family is important to do. Anyways, even though we did just fine with out our families for Thanksgiving we are really really looking forward to going to Idaho in just 2 weeks and spending Christmas with Prestons family! Other than that, we are just staying busy here at home. I have a calling now as the Secretary in the Young Womens presidency and Preston is a primary teacher for the 8 and 9 year olds. I am starting to get more busy at work and I am still doing hair on the side at home. Preston is busy with school getting good grades and studying all the time. So in-between our callings and our jobs we like to relax and hang out with each other! We are really looking forward to a vacation!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Well, tonight was the lighting of the 50 ft christmas tree in the courtyard of the mall I work at. We were so exctied to be there and see it and then.... we were late and missed it! But the tree was lit and it is so beautiful!! It was freezing cold outside. Preston and I realized what babies we are in the cold when we were both wearing two jackets and were still shaking uncontrolably! We sure wish now more than ever we would have been able to go to Tucson. But hopefully after this assignment we will get sent to texas where the weather will be nice and HOT!! ANYWAYS, back on topic.. It was a really fun night! There was a parade going through the whole square. There was Santa Clause, a High School Marching band playing christmas music, Carolers all over, elfs and all sorts of christmas loving people!! It's so much fun working in this beautiful environment too! Santa has a little cabin where kids can come sit on his lap all day long, Mrs Clause reads stories everynight to groups of children, carolers come every weekend and sing songs for the shoppers and a horse drawn carriage gives rides all season long! It is so much fun to drive through every single day! Especially for people like us to love christmas as much as we love being alive!! LoL.. After we took some picutres and took a look around at all the beautiful decorations we went to this "authentic" turkish resturaunt for dinner just across the street. It was an interesting experience but the food was pretty alright! Well we hope everyone is loving the start of this Christmas season as much as we are and we can't wait to be with our families! OH YEAH.. and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hello Everyone!!
Well we finally got a blog! YAY.. After we found out all our friends had them and we were the only ones that nobody knew anything about we decided to make one! So I bet your wondering what we have been doing out here in good old Dayton Ohio. Well Preston has been staying busy with school. I have FINALLY gotten a job! It took forever to transfer my license over to an Ohio State license but it worked out and I have been working for about 2 weeks now at Hausfelds Salon and Spa. It's a pretty nice, high end salon. Pauly Shore was in just the other day for a couples massage with his fiance. I guess he wasn't very nice though.. but i will be able to live with this job for the next year and a half with any luck. In our free time together we like to watch football, basketball, the office and ER. We also like to hang out with our cute little puppy, Tonka. He is a ton of fun and keeps us very busy. We love our house and we can't wait to decorate it for christmas cause it is going to be the cutest house ever!! For the holidays we are going to Idaho to spend Christmas with Prestons family and we are so excited to see everyone. Well thats about the basics of our lives right now. We are excited to have a blog and share our lives with everyone we love! I will let you know when something worth talking about comes up! Have a wonderful week!