One of the many many things we love about our sweet 2 year old is how much she LOVES Mickey and Minnie Mouse. They are the first thing she asks for in the morning and have become the best baby sitters since Cora joined our little family. I don't know what we would do with out the Mickey Mouse Club House! So of course we decided to do a Minnie Mouse birthday party. We waited till 2 weeks after her birthday this year to have the party because my parents were going to be in town and I really wanted them there. So that is why this post is coming so late. Anyway.. It was supposed to be at our community swimming pool but of course that was the one day it rained all week so we had to move it to a park nearby. I wanted to have a hat making station where all the kids could decorate their own hats the way they wanted but at the pool that would have been impossible so I just made all the hats for them. They all LOVED the hats and wore them for the entire party. Even my friend Tammie's older boys, who started off thinking they were to cool for Mickey Mouse hats, were wearing them while getting in their car to leave. Who doesn't love a party hat right? Evie helped me make her birthday cake and to this day she still makes a birthday cake in her play kitchen 6 times a day for me. When we all sang her Happy Birthday she just smiled from ear to ear because along with loving Minnie Mouse so much she also loves her birthday. We had so much fun and are so thankful all our friends could make it! Hope you like the pictures!

The Invitations
Minnie Mouse Cake
The Party Hats
Minnie Mouse Juice
She couldn't wait to blow her candles out!
What a Cutie!
I love this picture cause of all the hats in it. These 2 little girls love Evie so much.
Now THIS is how you eat cake!
The inside of her cake
Family Picture! Preston is such a good sport! :)
Thank goodness for our friends!
Oh the hats!! :)
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