Well Preston is stuck doing job training in Mississippi right now so I flew out here this weekend to visit him for a couple of days! It has been so much fun and we have had such a good time together! We are both really sad that after today we wont see each other for 6 more weeks but we hopefully it will go fast. So we decided while I was out here we would drive down to Florida for the weekend. It rained most of the time we were there and the waves at the beach were huge so we shopped, saw a movie, and shopped some more! They had a really good outlet mall there and we got Preston some really good new running shoes for cheap which he really needed. We also went shopping for our little girl which was so much fun! Preston was able to pick out some things he thought were cute which is good since it seems
every time I buy her something it is a pink dress. They are all just to cute not to get! Anyway.. we had a lot of fun! On
Sunday when we were headed back the weather seemed really nice so we decided to try the beach again. It was nice! It was overcast still so for some reason we didn't even think about putting sunblock on. We were also only planning on being there for 30
mins and ended up staying for 2 hours. Needless to say we have probably the worst sunburn of our lives.
WOOPS!! so the last 2 days have been healing days for us. All together we have had a really good weekend and are sad to see it end!

Over the past couple weeks while Preston has been away I have been keeping busy making maternity skirts. They are so simple and when the fabric is 50 percent off they are dirt cheap! I think I have finally figured out how to use my sewing machine too! It has been a fun little project. I will have to post some pictures as soon as I can! Next week I am going home to Colorado for my little sisters wedding and my good friend Shae's wedding and when i get home from that I will just be preparing to have a baby in a couple weeks! Busy times are coming up!