- belive it or not, we traveled 15 hours to get to Burley! (well worth it in the end)
- I got to talk about girl stuff with my sister-in-laws and my mother-in-law which sounds normal, but it was so much fun! One of my favorite parts about the trip!
- Opened lots for presents!
- played with our super cute nephew.. we can't wait to see him again
- Played lots of DDR and Guitar Hero! (we were so glad you brought that down Whitney!!)
- Ate lots and lots of good food.. we went to this pizza place where they just walk around with all sorts of pizza and you take what you want until you are full.. they have some interesting choices!!
- saw a couple movies. Yes Man and Valkyrie.. they were both pretty good.. Yes Man was hillarious though..
- went shooting guns with preston's dad once.. Preston said that i have to put in here that he hit the top of a shaving cream bottle off with a 357 revolver only
using one hand, and the first time from over a 100 feet away.. :) we were so proud of him!!
- We got to pick out some potatoes from a friends potato cellar.. if you have never been inside a potato cellar it's something you must see before you die.. lol.. it's incredible!!
- for the first time ever we were able to go to my Grandma's Birthday party in Twin Falls. Her birthday is on New Year's Eve and everyone gets together for dinner. It was lots of fun to see my family too while we were out there!
- We also went shopping that day and I got lots of new cute clothes cause ever
ything was 50% off!! It was so much fun shopping together! Usually we have a hard time doing that but we really had a great day..
- For New Year's Eve we hung out in Preston's parent's basement watching the ball drop and drinking some Martinelli's. It was a quiet new year but we enjoyed every minute of it..
We did lots of other things that are too little to mention.. but all together we had a great time! We can't wait to see everyone again!! Things that have happened in the couple hours we have been home, well we picked Tonka up and he is probably double the size he was when we left him. It's so sad.. :( but we are so glad to see him. He also has a really bad infection in his ear that we can tell is bothering him really bad so hopefully tomorrow we can get him into the vet and get it fixed up. I am back at work and.. oh yeah.. as you can see, I am a red head now.. lol :) But life is back to normal and we are so thankful for our many blessings!! Hope your holidays were wonderful! Happy New Year!!